Meridian Hills Conduct
Our serene location inspires the best play in competitive players and casual beginners alike.

Making the Game Enjoyable for Everyone
At Meridian Hills Golf Club, we recognize that not all golfers are created equal. With such a wide array of golfers, we ask that all players follow some basic course rules and etiquette.
Pace of Play
Slow play is the bane of all golfers and golf courses. At Meridian Hills Golf Club we expect each hole to take no longer than 10 minutes to play for a group of 4 players. At 10 minutes per hole a round of golf should take no longer than 3 hours to complete with many rounds played in 2 ½ hours or less.
Tips to Increase Pace of Play
- Always keep up to the group in front of you. When you reach the tee of you next hole, the group in front of you should be walking to the next hole.
- Be aware of the 10 minute per hole time and move to the next hole if you are over 10 minutes.
- Set a maximum limit of strokes per hole. Meridian Hills suggests no more than 10 strokes per hole but you can set a lower limit such as 8 or double par (6).
- Let shorter hitters tee off first.
- Limit practice swings to only one.
- Be ready to hit or putt when it is your turn.
- Putt continuously when convenient. Do not mark short putts on green.
- Enter scores at the next tee.
- Park your carts and clubs at the side of the green closest to the next tee.
Dress Code
First and foremost, we want you to be comfortable at Meridian Hills Golf Club. We don’t expect our golfers to wear the latest and greatest in golf fashion. However, we would like or customers looking respectable. In addition, we ask that you always dress for the weather.
- Flat soled shoes or golf shoes are acceptable, no high heels, cowboy boots or soccer cleats! Be mindful that you will be on your feet for up to 3 hours and walking.
- A decent pair of running shoes is best, if you don’t own golf shoes.
- If golf course is wet, waterproof shoes or boots are recommended.
Acceptable Attire
- Traditional golf attire
- Shirts with/without collars and must have sleeves (short or long). Women may wear “sleeveless” shirts.
- Pants or shorts. Jeans are ok.
Unacceptable Attire
- Bathing suits
- Cut offs
- Muscle shirts
- Offensive Slogans or Images
- Hats protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays; keep you cool in the heat; and keep you dry when raining.

Please Replace Divots, Repair Ball Marks and Rake Bunkers
If you must listen to music, please keep the volume to your own group.
Remember, not everyone may like your style of music.
Keep Offensive Language to a Minimum.
We are a family friendly facility.
Keep golf bags and pull carts off and away from greens. Allow faster or smaller groups to play through. Please be mindful and respectful of other golfers on the golf course.
Above all else, HAVE FUN!!!
"Golf is about how well you accept, respond to, and score with your misses much more so than it is a game of your perfect shots."
‒ Dr. Bob Rotella